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R-80 CTP-80 CNTS-40

Pre-Dispersion R-80 is a component of the bonding system resorcinol-formaldehyde-silica. In conjunction with a formaldehyde donor (e.g.HEXA-80 or HMMM-65) the resorcinol-formaldehyde-resin, responsible for the bonding of rubber to textile and steel cords, is formed during the curing process. This system is suitable for bonding all types of rubber to reinforcing materials, e.g. fabric, glass fiber and metals (e.g. steel-cords) The Pre-Dispersion of resorcinol in an EPDM binder allows quick absorption and excellent dispersion in the rubber. The product flows well, non dust flying in the workshop and non waste of feeding during production. Powder form Resorcinol Pre-Dispersed in the carrier rubber which making optimal activity of resorcinol is assured.


Rubber pre-dispersed masterbatch

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Pre-Dispersion R-80 is a component of the bonding system resorcinol-formaldehyde-silica. In conjunction with a formaldehyde donor (e.g.HEXA-80 or HMMM-65) the resorcinol-formaldehyde-resin, responsible for the bonding of rubber to textile and steel cords, is formed during the curing process. This system is suitable for bonding all types of rubber to reinforcing materials, e.g. fabric, glass fiber and metals (e.g. steel-cords)

The Pre-Dispersion of resorcinol in an EPDM binder allows quick absorption and excellent dispersion in the rubber. The product flows well, non dust flying in the workshop and non waste of feeding during production. Powder form Resorcinol Pre-Dispersed in the carrier rubber which making optimal activity of resorcinol is assured.

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